28 Apr 2020

ESF June Fee reduction – how to register

Dear Parents

All ESF Parents have just been sent an email from ESF CEO Belinda Greer, detailing a Triple Assistance Package for parents. I know this message will resonate positively with many in our ESF KGV community and bring some relief at this difficult time.

To receive the June 45% discount, all parents must opt into the programme for each of their children. At KGV, we are using our LIONEL system to enable you to sign up with as little fuss as possible.

Please use your parent LIONEL log-in and the sign up will be at the top of the page (see attached image). The image shows how you register for one or more children.

If you have any questions or issues with the technical aspects of this process, please email Tim Carrell attim.carrell@kgv.edu.hk

A reminder that the deadline for this is May 7th.  You can access more detailed information about all of these schemes in the ‘Triple Assistance Package’ online at this webpage: www.esf.edu.hk/tripleassistance.

As always, we thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind Regards

Mark Blackshaw