Life at KGV is quite the adventure.
Coming up with a summary for life at KGV between the six of us was quite the challenge as there is so much going on at KGV at all times. Whether it be events, competitions, celebrations or exams, there is always something to keep you on your toes.
KGV is where we face many challenges (such as the rigorous IB Diploma) and learn to step out of our comfort zone, but yet there is no other experience that can truly prepare us for the upcoming years. We believe that what makes life at KGV special and worthwhile though, are the time-honoured traditions and enthusiastic community that builds KGV.
Having started life at KGV in 2010, we’ve watched the school develop and improve. Although we may often wonder why we have a giant chess board in the middle of the piazza, we have seen many amazing changes. From having our drama classes shifted from the Peel Block to the brand-new Performing Arts Block to having the option to buy lunch from the “Hut” and the small, crowded canteen, to the “Bowl”, a 2-floor canteen as well as Leo’s Café; KGV has definitely changed for the better. All six of us are proud to have been given the opportunity to be able to witness all of these amazing changes.
Life at KGV cannot be compressed into a single paragraph. Life at KGV is ever-changing, and we are extremely grateful to be a part of it.
-Senior Prefects from the Class of 2017