KGV has a strong house system that infuses many aspects of the school. It is designed to give students an identity and sense of pride in a supportive, secure environment. The Houses provide for positive competition and a closer rapport between students and teachers. The House system is an integral and vibrant part of the school’s culture.
Tutor groups are organised by houses and students feel a strong sense of community and loyalty to their houses.
There are 4 houses:
- Crozier (Green)
- Nightingale (Yellow)
- Rowell (Blue)
- Upsdell (Red)
The Inter house competition runs from January to December and involves many events every term. The four houses compete for house points with the leading house becoming the overall winner of the Inter house Cup.
House captains work hard to lead and encourage all members of the school to take part in the healthy competitive spirit that the Inter house Cup brings. The houses provide not only an increased feeling of identity and belonging, they also provide students with a sense of tradition and abundant leadership opportunities.
The History of the Houses
The House system was probably first adopted in the early 1920’s when the names of the three houses were:
- Nathan and Bede
- Lugard and St Dunstan’s
- May and St George’s
These somewhat clumsy names were replaced in the early 1930’s by the simple use of three colours – respectively
- Red
- Blue
- Chocolate
When the school was re-opened in 1946 the Houses were renamed as Nightingale, Upsdell and School House. In 1950 School House was renamed Rowell House and in 1961 a fourth House was added and named Crozier House.
Inter house Events
We have many Inter house events that take place throughout the year; all competitions give the students the opportunity to win house points.
House Captains
Students can apply to become House Captains. Two Captains and four Deputy/Vice Captains are elected from each house. The job of the House Captains is to take responsibility for the leadership and organisation of their house throughout the forthcoming year. In addition, eight Year 10 to 11 student representatives (two per House) and eight Year 9 student representatives (two per House) are elected to support the House Captains.
Previous Inter house winners
We do have a few gaps in our records, and would love to hear from anyone who may be able to help us out with those.
2023 – Upsdell
2022 – Upsdell
2021 – Upsdell
2020 – Upsdell
2019 – Upsdell
2018 – Crozier
2017 –
2016 –
2015 – Crozier
2014 – Crozier
2013 – Rowell
2012 – Nightingale