28 Sep 2018


Schedule of talks for parents

Talks will be held for parents (and families) throughout the year on a variety of topics such as screen addiction, organisation and memory, exam stress and revision tips, depression, anxiety, drugs, resilience and family communication.

There are eleven talks planned for this academic year, starting on Wednesday 3rd October with “Addicted to Screens” by Dr Caleb Knight.

All talks are free of charge with time generously donated by our speakers.

Full details of each talk can be found here KGV Parent talks 2018-2019 and the sign up is here Parent talk sign up

Wellbeing website

https://sites.google.com/kgv.hk/wellbeing/ (this can also be accessed directly through Lionel).

Please visit our new and improved wellbeing website with lots of information about how we are embedding wellbeing in our curriculum, how to access counselors, latest articles, research and links to external information. If you have resources or articles worth sharing please send them to me on amanda.barton@kgv.edu.hk.

Wellbeing assessment

Over the last two weeks al students in KGV (and across ESF) have taken an online wellbeing assessment. Individual reports will be available for students within two week and the school will also receive an overview of the results.

Students are encouraged to talk to their family, friends or tutor about their results. Having conversations about wellbeing, both what is going well and what is not going so well, is a good first step towards improving wellbeing. Please do talk to your child about their results.

Further information is available at http://www.awesomeschools.com or contact Amanda Barton amanda.barton@kgv.edu.hk