29 Mar 2019

Notices from the Student Development Office

  1.    Should your child need to leave early during the school day, please can I ask you to give the Student Development Administrators as much notice as possible. Whilst we urge you to make appointments outside of school time, we appreciate this might not always be possible. Please can you use your child’s absence email (e.g. crozier@absence.edu.hk) to let us know as soon as possible. Students should aim to collect their green slip from the SDO at the break closest to their early departure time. This will give our amazing administrators sufficient time to prepare the necessary forms.


  1.    Should you child be sick in the morning before school starts, please keep them at home for the day. Students should not try to come into school during the day, but rather focus on their wellbeing and rest at home. Students should also not attend evening school functions after being absent from lessons for the day.


  1.    A reminder re our uniform expectations, in particular skort and sock length. KGV socks are now in stock and ready for purchasing. They have the KGV initials on them and are available in black and white.