25 May 2018

KGV hosts the Rugby World Cup – William Webb Ellis Trophy

The World Rugby Organization kindly linked via the Hong Kong Rugby Union with KGV School and  offered the wonderful opportunity of hosting the William Webb Ellis Trophy as it commences a yearlong promotional campaign prior to the 2019 Rugby World Cup Competition to be held in Japan. The trophy will be passing through Asia, travelling to Beijing, Malaysia, Singapore and many more rugby hot spots.

It was a terrific moment to see something so converted by professional sporting countries arrive and be displayed for the student and staff body. As a school, we extended this moment to the JCSR and KJS and it was pleasing to see the great pleasure it received. For KGV, it was an honor to host such a prestigious trophy and maybe for our students, an inspirational image that will ignite a desire to pursue their rugby passions.

Mr Charles Riding