24 Apr 2020

Year 8 learning review

The Year 8 learning review is scheduled for Tuesday April 28th from 3:45 to 7:15pm. It will be a series of online meetings with teachers using Google Meet or Zoom video conferencing.

Bookings are open now and close on Monday 27th.

To make appointments, log to Lionel with your parent account and click the appointments icon on the front page. If you cannot see a teacher for a particular timeslot, it is because they are already booked at that time.

Teachers will email a meeting code before 3:45pm next Tuesday. Please keep to the timings. Most teachers will use a single meeting room so if you connect early or stay late, you will clash with other families. We recommend using your child’s laptop since they are experts at using and managing these online conversations. Full instructions for using Google meet are here in case you need them.

It is not possible for every parent to see every teacher on this one evening. So, while this is the only formal opportunity where all Year 8 teachers are available at the same time, please know that teachers will discuss issues or answer questions about your child at any time via email or phone. Email links for all of their teachers are on the student dashboard page in Lionel.