17 Aug 2018

Welcome from the Student Development Team

As a team, we have thoroughly enjoyed catching up with our fantastic students over the past 3 days. It has also been lovely to meet our new Year 7 students, as well as those new students who have joined us in Years 8 -12. We have had a group of Year 7 students who have been keeping a vlog of their first few days at KGV, their expectations and their experiences. They have been amazing to watch! We will share these with you in future weeks.

Heads of House, Heads of Year and tutors have been involving students in team-building activities, aimed at tutor groups building a strong sense of identity. Research shows that if bullying is to occur it is in lessons rather than outside on the playground. As a result, our tutors and teachers are focusing on building relationships, as well as promoting our school values of honesty, courage and resilience.

We will use this bulletin to communicate our Student Development messages, as well as keeping you updated/ reminded of forthcoming events. As you will have seen, I sent a separate message earlier this week, reminding students and parents of our uniform expectations. On the whole, our students look exceptionally smart and proud of the KGV badge. We will continue to work with students on our uniform expectations. Please refer to the KGV website or the materials we sent out to you at the end of last year.

We have a busy half term ahead and I have highlighted below some of the most important dates for your diary;

Friday 17 August –Year 7 Meet and Greet/ Curriculum Information Afternoon

Thursday 23 August – Remaining examination results released. Year 12 students allowed to go home once they have received their results at lunchtime.

Week beginning 27 August – School Photographs. A schedule will be sent out to students next week.

Finally, looking ahead, we have two important events in September;

Monday 17 September – Student-led Conferences

Thursday 27 September – Challenge Week Meetings (for Parents)

Please remember to contact your child’s tutor if you have any questions, queries or concerns. It is essential we build and maintain strong home-school partnerships to enable your child to thrive at KGV School.

Carole Beer

Vice Principal