24 Aug 2018

Weekly Message from the Student Development Team

It has been another busy but extremely positive week in the Student Development Office. I have been so impressed by both the quality of uniform plus the positive manner in which students have gone about their learning. There is a lovely, supportive and calm atmosphere around the campus, as older students help some of the younger students get accustomed to the KGV timetable and find their way around school.

Thank you to all parents who have responded so positively to reinforcing the uniform standards. Students are looking fantastic in their uniforms. A couple of reminders though for their PE and Drama Kits and the expectations here. Please can students wear trainers with PE kits and only wear flip-flops to and from the changing rooms and the swimming pools. Trainers (enclosed footwear) should be worn to and from school. Students who have PE/Drama in Period 1 can arrive in these kits and those who have these lessons in Period 5 can leave in their sporting/drama kits, but appropriate (enclosed) footwear must be worn. A reminder too re the wearing of sport/ drama skins or tights. These are an additional item to the shorts and must not be worn on without the shorts as the outer layer.

It is important that student attendance remains above 90% so that they can access as much of the taught curriculum as possible and receive as much support and guidance as required. Therefore, please can you refrain, where possible, from making doctors/dentist appointments within school times. We recognize that sometimes this has to happen, but wherever possible, please schedule appointments after 3.20pm. We are promoting Honours status to students in all Year levels who maintain a 90% attendance level, a solid punctuality rate and a clear record of concerns/ issues. These will be awarded termly and parents will be notified if students are awarded this status.

Finally, students in Year 12 & 13 are in the process of applying for early leave/late arrival and honours privileges. Parents in these year groups should have received an email informing them on what they need to do access these privileges.

Please find below some details of the events coming up in the KGV calendar

School Photographs – please check the LIONEL banner for the school photograph schedule. Students will have an individual photograph plus a tutor photograph. The schedule runs 27th – 31st August.

Swimming Gala – Our annual KGV Swimming Gala takes place on Friday 14th September. Students who take school buses should make sure their bus drops them at Kowloon Tsai Park. Students who make their own way to school should go directly to Kowloon Tsai Park. Students should arrive before 8.10am. More information will be sent out to students in the student bulletin.

Student-led Conferences – Monday 17th September is scheduled for our Student-led Conferences. They will take place between 2.30pm – 7pm. As well as an opportunity to meet tutors and hear how students are settling into the new academic year, there will also be an opportunity to listen to information on options (Year 9 & 11), speak to careers counselors/ SLT and for Year 7 parents there will be cyber-safety talks and Chinese Phase Information sessions. I will send out a more detailed schedule to you next week.

Challenge Week Parent Information Session – Thursday 27th September is scheduled to be the evening for Challenge Week trip leaders who are organizing trips overseas, to run an information session for parents. Year 7 will also have an information session for their Year 7 Camp. Talks will begin at 6pm, unless you hear otherwise from your trip leader.

As always, we are looking to promote a ‘school for one’ and our tutors and Heads of House pride themselves on getting to know your child and understand their needs. Please do not hesitate to contact your son/ daugher’s tutor should you need us to be aware of any circumstance(s) which is (are) affecting their learning and let us know how we can support them further. This really is a partnership and we need to work together to ensure your son/ daughter makes the most of their time at KGV School.

Carole Beer
Vice Principal