4 Sep 2020

Update on The Lion Yearbook

2019/20 Lion Yearbook – Late-print-edition update

Many thanks to everybody for their patience as we work through the final stages of the (much delayed) Yearbook. It is to the credit of our student team, particularly the team leaders and editors-in-chief, that the book can be completed at all. And in its entirety, despite the very extensive period of distance-learning this year. 

I can say that the first proofs are very near their completion, after which, a careful check of all 376 pages (we were adamant to not reduce the coverage this year, and kept the page count as it would usually be) before the month-long print run will commence. 

It will hopefully be a nice autumn delivery, and although there will be some noticeable changes, the inclusion of all aspects of school life that weren’t put on hold due to Covid-19 closure is assured. Other sections have been redesigned as a temporary measure, and in many cases, an homage to the original events or activities that had already had SO much invested in them before the unavoidable cancellations. 

Please watch for further notices in the bulletins and the ESF app – date confirmations and arrangements will be posted there. For people who have left Hong Kong already, or will in the near future, we will work on some kind of arrangement to ensure your copy will remain so. 

There are, unfortunately, no extra orders being taken. We ordered and purchased the paper months ago and are holding to the original order. Digital versions are being considered as an option for people who missed ordering.

Thank you again for understanding the incredible ordeal the students have been through to get this far. Many summer holidays were spent hard at work by a team of incredible students with great pride in KGV and a resolve to not let anything put a stop on one of the school’s strongest traditions: The Lion. Even as we race to wrap up the previous, another team is hard at work in the preparatory stages of the next. 

To my team of 2020: indefatigable and committed to powering on through unforeseen adversity, you are an exceptional group of people for whom I cannot express gratitude enough – I can only say it again…thank you! 

Mr Josh Armstrong