1 Nov 2019

The School Play

This year’s KGV School play is Emil and the Detectives which is based on the famous novel by Erich Kästner.

It tells the story of a young boy, Emil, who travels to Berlin on his own and teams up with a group of the city’s children to try to retrieve some money that was stolen from him.  It is a rip-roaring, fast paced adventure around the streets of the German capital – and great fun.

The cast is drawn Years 8 to 13 and promises to be a great family night out and certainly suitable for children (and adults) of all ages.

The show runs from Tuesday 26th to Thursday 28th November in the school hall.  Starting at 7.00pm, it runs for around 90 minutes.

Tickets ($50) will be on sale in the school foyer every lunchtime after Challenge Week

Ian Baker
Head of Drama