1 Mar 2019

Stay Vigilant Against Gastroenteritis

Dear parents,

An increased number of students having gastro- symptoms was observed. May I remind every student to to be vigilant with the following preventive measures:

  1. Ensure proper personal hygiene;
  2. Wash hands thoroughly before handling food and eating, after using the toilet;
  3. Ensure proper storage of food;
  4. When disposing of vomitus, wash hands straight after;
  5. Maintain good indoor ventilation.

If your children develop gastro symptoms, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrohea, etc., please:

  1. See the doctor;
  2. Report to the school;
  3. Make sure he/she is well hydrated;
  4. Avoid dairy products/cold drinks/raw foods/spicy & oily foods for a couple of days; and
  5. Have plenty of rest.

Thank you very much! And take care!


KGV School Nurse

Tracy Tso