11 Aug 2016

New Diary and Water Bottle on sale

KGV PTSA Shop is happy to announce the sale of the new student diary and water bottles ahead of the new school term.

There are two versions of new student diary for our Middle School and Senior School students. The stock is limited and they are $20 each.

We also have the new water bottles with four house colours for our students to choose! These bottles are made of BPA Free plastic and they are $40 each.

**Please note the sale of diary begins after start of term.


Monday to Friday 9am to 3:30pm  till 15 August 2016, closed for lunch 12:00-12:30pm
From Tuesday 16 August onwards we shall resume normal shop timings from 8am to 3:45pm.

Contact us at 2760 6661 or ptsa.shop@kgv.edu.hk for more information.

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