9 Mar 2018

Message from the Principal

“It does take a whole village to raise a child”

This Saturday I have been invited to participate in the South China Morning Post (SCMP) EdTalk debate on Secondary Education (see flyer below). From the preparation notes I have received, it appears that there will be a strong wellbeing theme at the event. I am looking forward to this learning opportunity and to hear from the fellow panellists and the audience regarding their views on the link between wellbeing and academic achievement and strategies to promote both.

We are excited that at the beginning of our next academic year this August, we will have appointed a Wellbeing Coordinator to further progress our Wellbeing agenda at KGV. Our Purpose is for each and every student to ‘Be your own remarkable’ which is achieved when ‘we create a school for one. A place where each and every person engages in remarkable learning to achieve at high levels and be the best they can be’.

As a school we do not ‘shy away’ from the fact that many of our young people through the High School years will face some emotional and social challenges that will impact on their mental health. They cannot achieve ‘remarkable learning’ if they are struggling about how they feel about themselves and the world around them.

Looking after and supporting each and every student at KGV only happens when we can create a culture of care at our school. This is achieved through connecting with each student, one conversation at a time. Our Tutor programme forms a basis for this connection every day. We also invest heavily in a Head of College (HOC) team and a dedicated team of counsellors, social workers and teachers trained in emotional and behavioural support. This team case-manages referred students and wraps around the support at school. We also strive to connect authentically with parents so we are all on the ‘same page’ and this creates links to outside support agencies to complement the in-school support.

It does take a village to raise a child. The relationship between our school teachers, students and our parent partners form a 21st century version of this village. We see our school as the hub of connectedness and community learning. Parent education events, coffee mornings and information sessions are all about coming together as a community to learn as a group and reduce some of the stigma surrounding mental health. Communication is the key, and realising that through highlighting our common purpose of wanting the best for ‘your child, our student’, is the way we can best support the diverse and complex needs of our young people.

This wellbeing focus at our school creates a foundation that enables our students to seek support when they need it and creates the preconditions for all our students to engage in ‘remarkable learning to be the best they can be’


Kind regards

Mark Blackshaw
King George V