30 Aug 2019

Message from the Principal

This year at KGV School, we are determined to become an even better school and to continue our focus on maximising the learning for all our students. Through this process, we are continuing to shift our focus to value learning over teaching. Just because you teach something, doesn’t necessarily mean that the students have actually learnt it. In fact, we think the best teachers are ‘adaptive teachers’, continually responding to the needs of the learners in front of them in every learning episode, every lesson and every day.

Our teachers are determined to provide the best possible feedback to students to enhance their learning, and to seek feedback from the students in front of them so they can adjust their teaching to match their needs. Our three 2019/20 Improvement Goals are focused on continuing our work to get even greater precision regarding the learning that happens in the classrooms. Our goals are:

  1. Our students know what they are learning and why;
  2. Our students know how they are progressing and get the feedback they need to improve;
  3. Our students receive the timely support and extension they need.

Goal 3 above is about supporting and extending students within our classrooms and establishing whole school processes to provide that support. For the past year we have been implementing a Response to Intervention (RTI) Program which is a tiered approach aimed to ensure all students are learning at high levels and maximising their learning potential.

This RTI initiative will be the focus of our upcoming ROAR session. For parents new to our school, ROAR stands for ‘Reach Out, Appreciate, Respond’ in terms of:

  • Reach Out – to our parent community to build connections and seek ideas
  • Appreciate – and celebrate what great things are already happening and how together, we can add value
  • Respond – to the ideas we generate with action and outcomes



We are excited to hear the parent voice ‘ROAR’ on Saturday 14th September from 9.30am to 11.30am. Light refreshments will be provided at the event. To register, please click on this link and we are looking forward to sharing our ideas about RTI and hearing your feedback.


Invitation to KGV Parents to hear from a world renowned academic

ESF is offering KGV Parents an opportunity to attend a free keynote presentation by world renowned academic Professor Yong Zhao’s on “What Matters: Effects and Side Effects of Education.”

In this presentation, Professor Yong Zhao brings extensive evidence to show that every child has both potential and need to become great. To help each and every child achieve their greatness, we need a different kind of education that focuses on enhancing the unique strengths and passion of each child. Education is to help each and every child discover and develop their strengths and passions with the goal to create value for others and the world. To do so, we need to make education personalizable by the child, instead of personalized for the child. 

When: Saturday 7th September from 9.00 to 10.30am.

Where: ESF Quarry Bay School

Registration link: http://bit.ly/Zhao_2019

Kind regards

Mark Blackshaw
King George V