29 Mar 2019

Measles outbreak in Hong Kong

Dear all,

There is an outbreak of measles in Hong Kong and the surge is sweeping across Southeast Asia and Europe. Measles is an airborne disease, and because the virus can travel a very long distance in the air, it is highly contagious. A person infected by measles can infect 18 non-immune persons on average. The most effective preventive measure is vaccination. High vaccination coverage in the community can prevent an outbreak. And measles can be fatal. Therefore, if you or your family did not have immunisations according to the Hong Kong Government Immunisations Programme OR you did not have any measles vaccination before, please do so as soon as possible.

If you develop fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and white spots inside the mouth, stay at home! And see a doctor! DO NOT come back to School. People infected by measles will develop red blotchy skin rash, which usually spreads from face to the rest of the body, 3-7 days following the previous symptoms. If your symptoms manifest when you’re in school, go to medical room at once. Meanwhile, may I remind you to maintain good personal and environmental hygiene to fight against this airborne virus.

If you want to know more about the outbreak, feel free to read the info from CHP:

What is Measles?


Measles vaccination?


Current outbreak in Hong Kong:


Thank you!


Ms Tracy TSO