21 Aug 2020

KGV CAS Activities website

Welcome to the brand new KGV CAS Activities website especially designed and dedicated to all things relating to the activities program (https://www.kgvcasactivities.com/). Browse through the site, have a look at the brochures specifically designed for each year group, and then follow the instructions on how to sign up!

Term 1 Activities were due to start the week of September 7th and will change depending on when students are allowed back in school. Check the activities website or the bulletin for the latest update. We plan to run as many CAS activities online encouraging senior students to take the lead with this.

Activities will be open for sign up starting Saturday, August 15th, for two weeks. It is very important that parents approve student participation in CAS activities, by responding to emails sent once they have signed up through Lionel 2, otherwise they miss out on the opportunity to participate.

For more information about signing up, withdraw, allocation and parental approval click here.