27 Apr 2018

Head of Middle School’s Message

Dear Parents,

There are two occasions from the course of this week that come to mind that have brought a smile to my face. Both occasions have revolved around perceptions and in each of these occasions I have been proved wrong. The first of these involved a group of students who are fascinated with technology yet were enthralled by a snail, the home they had made for it and bringing into their play the stories that they had read – the snail was named Tom Riddle – proving that their technology isn’t all that makes them tick. The second was in a lesson where students were editing images to change the story they told. One image had a bird added into it, a Koel which we regularly hear calling across the school campus at this time of year. The comment of “they are the sound of spring” indicated that students do have an awareness of their surroundings amid the hubbub of school life. It is not only the students who come to school to learn!

Year 9 students are engaged in a process that will challenge their perceptions as they continue with their Year 9 Experience journey. Risk assessments are being completed as they head towards their day of action which takes place in the week of the 14th May. Please do talk with your child about their plans, their intended outcomes and challenge them to see what they will do if things don’t work out as they intended.

The Learning Review on Thursday 3rd May for Years 7-10 will provide you with the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers to look at their progress to date. Where ever possible please try and ensure your child is part of these conversations. If they are part of the discussions they will be better placed to move forward with any suggestions for improvements or to hear about what it is they do that allows them to be successful. Each of these is crucial to build and maintain performance across the board.

In our assembly this week Mr Blackshaw updated the Middle School with regards to uniform expectations for August 2018. There is a display in the foyer with guidance notes and information can be accessed from the school website here – Uniform Expectations. Ahead of these changes being implemented it would be really useful for you to speak to your child to find out what changes they will need to make to their uniform in order to meet these requirements. This will allow you to plan now so that your child is all set to go from the outset of the 2018/19 academic year.

With a CPD Day and Public Holiday at the start of next week I hope that you and your family are able to enjoy the break from school. We return on Wednesday 2nd May.



Have a good weekend.

James Fisher
Learning Director:Head of Middle School