8 Jun 2018

Head of Middle School’s Message

Dear Parents,

Last week was all about the heat and this week seems to be all about the rain. Given the number of school fleeces that are in lost property at the moment it is a good job is it not cold. Along with these fleeces, many of which are named, are shoes, water bottles, PE kits and bags, and a whole range of other belongings. Where items are named messages are sent to the students concerned, but very few students actually respond to these messages and pick up their belongings. We need students to visit the Middle School Office, outside of which we have set up several tables with all the lost property items on them. After the 13th June all items will be removed and donated to charity, whether they are named or not. If your child has misplaced items please direct them to check for their belongings ahead of next Wednesday’s deadline.

Wednesday 13 June at 2.00pm is the deadline for Year 9 students to submit their Year 10 Student Leadership application forms. These forms should be handed in to the Middle School office, either to myself or Ms Kwok. The application form has been emailed to students and they have had an assembly and a question and answer session with the current Year 10 Leaders. Should they have any further questions then please encourage them to ask for the support that they need.

Over the course of this week the choice of language, individual behaviour as well as behaviour towards others are some examples where the normally high standards of student conduct are slipping. We are moving into the final part of this term and the school year and it is always good to remind ourselves that we need to live up to our expectations at all times. It does take a little more effort to be courteous and kind at this time of year, but in the end it is always worth it. Thank you for your help in supporting this message.

Have a good weekend.

James Fisher
Learning Director:Head of Middle School