13 Oct 2020

Elevate Study Skills online seminar

Today year 10 and 11 students attended an online study skills seminar with Elevate education. Elevate Education is an organisation that specialises in showing students how to learn based on 19 years of research. They work with over 3000 schools and 1.2 million students globally each year. In Study Sensei, year 10 students learned, how the top students get the top results. Study Sensei introduced students to the study hacks and tricks of top students to help improve marks and make study that little bit easier. In Time Management, year 11 students learned, how the top students find the time to fit in study and maintain a life. Time Management taught students how to create a study timetable you can stick to, identify and complete the most important work, reduce the amount of work you do and beat procrastination.