26 Oct 2018

Year 9 Options

Thank you to those of you who were able to join me for the options talks on Monday during the student led conferences. Please do not worry if you were not able to attend as we have made the presentation available through LIONeL along with the information on the subjects on offer https://lionel2.kgv.edu.hk/course/view.php?id=3942. Each subject is a stand alone qualification.

Many people asked how choices relate to the IB Diploma and BTEC pathways. For more information on these please log into LIONeL and go to https://lionel2.kgv.edu.hk/course/view.php?id=3384

Students need to submit their option choices by 3.30pm on Friday 23rd November.

KGV builds a new timetable every year as it tries to meet student needs.  It is important that students make good first choices. Student choices determine the subjects that run and the number of groups for each subject. Once the timetable is built only limited changes are possible. Changes are only possible if there is space in a group and if the rest of the timetable works with the change. Opportunities to request changes are advertised in the student bulletin and school calendar.

All students study Science. There are two pathways available. The pathways available in Science are either Double Award or Triple Award. The “Award” refers to the  IGCSE certificates that the student will achieve at the end of the course.

Triple science has 3 separate qualification; one for Biology, one for Chemistry and a third for Physics. Lessons are taught by three separate science teachers and each “Award,” or IGCSE qualification is independent of each other. There are 2 summative examination papers for each of these subjects. Paper One and Paper Two. The latter is more challenging and demands in-depth application of content knowledge. Paper one is a more straightforward examination (and this paper is also common to the Double Award Paper One). There is no internal assessment component but questions within the examination will assess student’s practical skills of analysing and evaluating data and also designing fair test protocols.

The Double science pathway has 2 IGCSE certificates at the end of the course. The content knowledge within this course is less than the Triple science course. The science subjects are still taught separately and there are even 3 separate examinations but the average of these 3 assessments is used against an algorithm to generate two grades (double awards). There is only one summative paper one examination. Like the Triple examination, students will be assessed on practical skills (as outlined above).

The selection of pathway should be made in term 3. The science department will recommend to students and their families which of the courses they feel is most suitable for each child before the Easter holiday and there will be opportunity to discuss this recommendation should it be required. At this current moment within the options process, students should be enjoying the science learning and not be concerned about the pathway as it is too early.

Thank you for supporting your child to pick their options.


Best wishes

Heather Millington

Vice Principal