22 Nov 2019

Year 13 parents evening

The Year 13 Learning Review is scheduled for Thursday 5 December from 3:45pm to 7pm. The system will open for you to book 10 minute meeting slots on Monday 25 November at 8pm. The system will close on 4 December to allow teachers time to prepare for these meetings the next day. We highly recommend that your child joins you for these meetings.

Please log in to Lionel using your parent account and click the appointments icon to make bookings with available teachers.

If you don’t see a teacher listed for a particular timeslot, it is because they are already booked for that time. 

It is not possible for every parent to see every teacher on this one evening. So, while this is the only formal opportunity we set aside where all Year 13 teachers are available, please know that teachers will discuss issues or answer questions about your child at any time via email or phone and face to face if it is urgent or serious. Email links for all of their teachers are on the dashboard page in Lionel.

Our Higher education counsellors will be available for you to discuss career paths and university destinations and requirements.

Kind regards,
Tim Carrell
Vice Principal