22 May 2020

Ready for School? 

We understand that students may have different feelings towards coming back to school. The Educational Psychologists of ESF Centre have shared a checklist for parents to get students ready for school again after 4 months of school suspension. Feel free to take a look and go through it with your children. 

Our School Social Workers Miss Cherie Mak and Miss Catherine Yeung have prepared wellbeing tip for parents during school suspension. If you would like to revisit them, please check out this Google folder.

Also, we would like to introduce two new counsellors in KGV- Miss Edrie Chau and Mr. Jimmy Wan. If you want to reach out to them, please check this out. https://sites.google.com/kgv.hk/wellbeing/counsellors-social-workers?authuser=0

The Counselling Team