6 Nov 2019

[reschedule, date to be decided] Parent talk

[12 Nov 8:30am update] Due to the current situation we have decided to reschedule the talk.  Date to be decided.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

6pm social time

6:30 talk

LRC1, KGV School


We are pleased to offer a talk on the topic of Resilience by Holly Yuen – KGV Councellor

Due to the positive feedback we received from this emotionally engaging presentation last year, “Resilience – the art of bouncing back!” is returning. Holly Yuen, KGV head counsellor will conduct an evening where she will share a message on resilience strategies. Holly will look at and identify factors that will enhance resilience in adolescents and will draw on personal experience and case sharing to take parents on a journey that will be as much for them as it is for their children.


Please sign up on the following link if you would like to attend,



Please click here to find out more information on our series of talks.



For any questions or enquires please contact Kiran,  ptsa@kgv.edu.hk