5 Oct 2018

Message from the Student Development Office

Uniform and Student-led Conferences

Thank you so much for your ongoing commitment to ensure our uniform standards are maintained. The students are looking amazingly smart around the KGV campus and I would like to thank you for your support in ensuring your child leaves home meeting the uniform standards.

We will continue to monitor the uniform standard and contact home should there be any concerns. As we enter the next half term, we would like to let you know that if your child receives a uniform slip from the Student Development Office, they will be issued with a concern rather than a note. Following the half term break we will assume that students and parents are well informed of the uniform standards and treat any failure to meet these standards as a concern.

Next week we will be gathering feedback on a new school puffer jacket. This item of clothing has been sourced following feedback from parents who would like a warmer clothing option for students to wear in the cooler months. We are hoping to have this puffer jacket available for parents to see on Monday 22 October, which is our Student-led Conference. Orders will be taken and puffer jackets available for students to wear in school/ in classrooms in the coldest months.

Finally, please can you make sure you have checked your availability to meet your tutor and/or attend information sessions on Monday 22nd October. As communicated previously, we have honoured all appointments made for the original date for the Student-led Conference. If you can no longer make these appointments, please can you go into LIONEL and cancel your appointment. Information sessions are still open and available for parents to sign-up.