15 Oct 2018

First ESF Exchange Student

Fynn Kloth, our KGV student is now going to germany in exchange with Finn Kramer who came in the third term of the last academic year for 10 weeks.

Finn Kramer, now back in Germany says learning at KGV is more advance and we use a lot of technology while in Germany they do not use laptops and have little technology support in school. He also knows all the names of students in his year group but KGV is too big so it’s hard to know everyone. He also expressed that teachers are not so different between Germany and KGV but HK students are more competitive.

Our student, Fynn Kloth will be in Hamburg Germany for 9 weeks to continue the exchange programme. His biggest interest is in understanding how teaching and learning is different between countries. He is also very excited about learning maths in Deutsche!