17 May 2018

Brain Spa

9 June 9.30 – 3.30 ESF Centre – free places for ESF staff.

Welcome to the Brain Spa

Itinerary for the day.

9.30 Coffee, Welcomes and introductions.

10.00 Mental flossing – an introduction to brain care.

11.30 The Organic Alchemy VIP Spa treatment – participate in a range of hands-on “treatments” designed to trigger the release of chemical spritzes to enhance physical and emotional health and well-being. Learn how these techniques can be adapted for student learning.

12.30 Lunch

1.15 Emotion Emollients – discuss and learn about techniques to encourage emotional balance and management.

2.30 Memory Makeovers – Learn some mind hacks to develop your multiple memories to maximise learning potential for you and your students.

3.15 p.m. Takeaways and Farewells.


Brain Spa overview

Mental Flossing

As the technology for investigating the mysteries of the “black box” between our ears develops, we are learning more and more about how profoundly important it is to take brain-care seriously. We are also learning much more about what that involves. So the Brain Spa workshop will provide you with an opportunity to explore what it takes to nurture a healthy, vital brain. So learning how to mental floss is all about learning techniques and lifestyle practices to maximise your brain potential.

The Organic Alchemy Brain Spa treatment

The Organic Alchemy  Brain Spa treatment introduces the idea that in order to appreciate why we behave as we do, we need to understand the dynamic interplay between social relationships, how we think (cognition) and our biology – the link if you like between the hardware, the software and the effect on all that of being plugged in to our environments. During the treatment you will explore ways that you can be your own healer, how to take care of your body chemical factories and how to be fully responsible for your mental and physical health.

This interactive session involves a workshop with different activities for you to try. For each activity, you will be invited to complete tasks that will provide you with a refreshing spritz of your own feel-good chemicals.  You will learn how to be at your chemical best and how to help students manage stress more effectively.

Emotion Emollients & Memory Makeovers

At the Brain Spa you will also have the opportunity to learn more about the role of the brain in our experience of emotion and memory. You will learn about the emotion and memory centres of the brain, and the effect of negative emotion on learning. We will take a closer look at one of our most precious brain areas – the prefrontal cortex – and its role in helping us navigate the complexities of life and nurturing positive social relationships. I will introduce you to how, by developing certain mind-sets, life habits and memory techniques you can feed your brain with what it needs to thrive.


  • Ray Heath profile

I am the managing director of the training consultancy Psychexcite based in Hong Kong, Malta and South Africa. We specialise in offering up-beat, lively, interactive workshops for the general public, business professionals and teachers on a range of subjects related to Psychology, neuroscience, resilience training and critical thinking.  Before moving to Hong Kong and King George V International School (English Schools Foundation) 13 years ago, where I now work as Head of the school’s Psychology Department, I taught for 18 years in Further Education and the Comprehensive School system in the UK.

I have taught on a wide range of vocational and academic programs over the years. Psychexcite was originally borne from the continuing professional development work I delivered with my partner Colleen Bower, encouraging colleagues to harness the fun of teaching fascinating subjects like Psychology and Critical Thinking/Theory of Knowledge. Our aim was also to provide participants with an opportunity to refocus and reflect on their skills and interests. Our aim is to help teachers to reconnect with their creativity, through understanding more about how to maximise brain potential – or “mental flossing” as I call it.

We decided we wanted to set up a company to offer this training to people beyond the ESF teaching community.  I have since developed our range of workshops for the general public. These workshops aim to reflect my particular interest in what neuroscience and innovative branches of Psychology are teaching us about the impact of understanding brain function on how we manage our emotions and our overall health and well-being.