15 Feb 2018

2018 Yearbook Orders are Now Open

2018 Lion Yearbook – Order here
New Reduced Price – $225 – applies to all orders (old and new)

Please access the order form here: https://docs.google.com/a/kgv.hk/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkAF6rOEfWiAlCbV2TUXkiiIBmHTeRpfrDM9jSi7SYiLtbMQ/viewform

Follow the instructions and payment options carefully. The order process will be open until 20 April 2018.

Please do not inundate the provided contact with questions and requests for yearbooks without having placed an order. If you miss the ordering window, please do not email to ask for an extension. We are held to printing quota based on materials ordered based on the orders received. No order, no yearbook. We cannot alter printing numbers after the orders are complete. 20 April 2018.

With thanks for your understanding and support, and we hope you’ll enjoy another year of extraordinary KGV achievement showcased in The Lion Yearbook, 2018.