9 Mar 2018

2018 Lion Yearbook – Order here

New Reduced Price – $225 – applies to all orders (old and new)

Please log into Lionel USING A STUDENT LOG IN and access the order form here: https://docs.google.com/a/kgv.hk/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkAF6rOEfWiAlCbV2TUXkiiIBmHTeRpfrDM9jSi7SYiLtbMQ/viewform

Instructions and payment information are included and the order process will be open until 20 APRIL, 2018. We will try to have invoices sent at the end of each week or by the following Monday.

There will be no spare copies of the yearbook printed so only those ordered with PAID invoices will be printed.

With thanks for your understanding and support, and we hope you’ll enjoy another year of extraordinary KGV achievement showcased in The Lion Yearbook, 2018.